Saturday, November 29, 2008


My PLN is an article that says Obama says he’ll mix change, experience. At first I didn’t understand what it meant then after I read it means that Obama is going to make some change to the white house. He also says that change doesn’t come from Washington but that it comes to Washington. People are not sure about this change because Obama is working with the Clinton administration. This matters to Obama because he really wants people to realize that change is coming but he needs help from us. This matters to me because I think he made a good choice that he chose Hillary Clinton to be secretary because he is a strong and brilliant women who has tons of experience. This also matters to me because Obama is always talking about change but is he actually going to do it? He is talking like he is still campaigning but I don’t see the visual yet. Hopefully he will do as he said. This should matter to the world because people in America need to know what is going on and know what our new president is going to do to make our country a better place to be in. people also are wondering if he is going to make change or if he is just saying that for people's amusement.

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