Tuesday, October 14, 2008


http://www.denverpost.com/politicsI wanted to blog about the presidential debate with Obama and McCain. Overall, I think the debate lack intensity because Obama and McCain both needed to be passionate about their answer to the public.The debate was boring. They answered their questions fine but they needed more than that. They needed to relate to us and be more positive about their answers. I didn’t like how McCain would attack Obama saying he is too young and has no experience. He does have experience he was a senator. Obama won the debate because he was attacking each question better than McCain. He actually wants to help the middle class as he said in the debate.McCain on the other hand barley talks about helping the middle class. Over all I think Obama won the political debate. This matters to me because I think it’s very important to know who is going to be president and see what the person believes in and stands for. This matters to the world to because our country needs a good candidate to run our country. People in America needs to know who will be a better candidate for this counrty.

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